
Man, W, and Bifano, T. G., "Electromagnetic deformable mirror fabricated using silicon micromachining and stress-resilient assembly," Advanced Optical Technologies [14], (2025) <link>

Ewoldt, J. K., DePalma, S. J., Jewett, M. E., Karakan, M. Ç., Lin, Y.-M., Mir Hashemian, P., Gao, X., Lou, L., McLellan, M. A., Tabares, J., Ma, M., Salazar Coariti, A. C., He, J., Toussaint, K. C., Bifano, T. G., Ramaswamy, S., White, A. E., Agarwal, A., Lejeune, E., Baker, B. M., and Chen, C. S., "Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte in vitro models: benchmarking progress and ongoing challenges," Nature Methods, 2024/11/08, (2024). <link>

Wu, K., Zhu, X., Bifano, T. G., Anderson, S. W., and Zhang, X., "Computational-Design Enabled Wearable and Tunable Metamaterials via Freeform Auxetics for Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Advanced Science, [11](26) p. 2470152, (2024). <link>

Lou, L., Bacca, N., Ma, M. S., Nautiyal, P., Bifano, T. G., and Agarwal, A., "Multiscale mechanics of polydimethylsiloxane: A comparison of meso- and micro-cyclic deformation behavior," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, [141] (25), p. e55546 (2024). <link>

Ma, M.S.; Sundaram, S.; Lou, L.; Agarwal, A.; Chen, C.S.; Bifano, T.G. High throughput screening system for engineered cardiac tissues. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, [11], 1-11 (2023). <link>

Man, W., Bifano, T.G., "A Design Approach to Reducing Stress and Distortion Caused by Adhesive Assembly in Micromachined Deformable Mirrors," Micromachines, [14], 740, (2023). <link>

Li, H.; Sundaram, S.; Hu, R.; Lou, L.; Sanchez, F.; McDonald, W.; Agarwal, A.; Chen, C.S.; Bifano, T.G. Dynamic Control of Contractile Force in Engineered Heart Tissue. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, [70], 2237-2245, (2023). <link>

Wu, K., Zhao, X., Bifano, T. G., Anderson, S. W., and Zhang, X., "Auxetics-inspired tunable metamaterials for magnetic resonance imaging," Advanced Materials, [34]6: 2109032, (2022). <link>

Sinefeld, D., Xia, F., Wang, M., Wang, T., Wu, C., Yang, X., Paudel, H. P., Ouzounov, D. G., Bifano, T. G., and Xu, C., "Three photon adaptive optics for mouse brain imaging," Frontiers in Neuroscience, [16] 880859 (2022). <link>

Haber A & Bifano TG,  "Dual-update data-driven control of deformable mirrors using Walsh basis functions,"  J. Optical Society of America A [39], 459-469, doi:10.1364/JOSAA.447879 (2022). <link>

Rodríguez C, Chen A, Rivera JA, Mohr MA, Liang Y, Natan RG, Sun W, Milkie DE, Bifano TG, Chen X, & Ji N, “An adaptive optics module for deep tissue multiphoton imaging in vivo,” Nature Methods, [18], 1259-1264, (2021). <link>

Haber A, and Bifano TG, “General approach to precise deformable mirror control,” Optics Express, [29] (21), 33741-33759, (2021). <link>

Chen C, Huang Y, Wu K, Bifano TG, Anderson SW, Zhao X,  & Zhang X, “Polarization insensitive, metamaterial absorber-enhanced long-wave infrared detector,” Optics Express, [28](20), 28843-28857, (2020). <link>

Zhao X, Wu K, Chen C, Bifano TG, Anderson SW & Zhang X, “Nonreciprocal magnetic coupling using nonlinear meta-Atoms,” Advanced Science, [7] (19), 2001443, (2020). <link>

Lin P, Ni H, Li H, Vickers NA, Tan Y, Gong R, Bifano TG & Cheng JX “Volumetric chemical imaging in vivo by a remote-focusing stimulated Raman scattering microscope,” Optics Express, [28] (20), 30210-30221, (2020). <link>

Beaulieu DR, Davison IG, Kılıç K, Bifano TG & Mertz J, “Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation two-photon microscopy,” Nature Methods, [17], 283–286, (2020). <link>

Pollock C, Barrett LK, Corro PGd., Stange A, Bifano TG & Bishop DJ, “PWM as a low cost method for the analog control of MEMS devices,” J. Microelectromechanical Systems, [28], 245-253, (2019). <link>

Ba C, Shain WJ, Bifano TG & Mertz J, “High-throughput label-free flow cytometry based on matched-filter compressive imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express, [9], 6145-6153, (2018). <link>

Shain WJ, Vickers NA, Li J, Han X, Bifano TG, & Mertz J, “Axial localization with modulated-illumination extended-depth-of-field microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, [9], 1771-1782, (2018). <link>

Shain WJ, Vickers NA, Negash A, Bifano, TG Sentenac A, & Mertz J, “Dual fluorescence-absorption deconvolution applied to extended-depth-of-field microscopy,” Optics Letters, [42], 4183-4186, (2017). <link>

Shain WJ, Vickers NA, Goldberg BB, Bifano TG, & Mertz J, “Extended depth-of-field microscopy with a high-speed deformable mirror” Optics Letters, [42], 995-998, (2017). <link>

Li J, Bifano TG, & Mertz J, “Widefield fluorescence microscopy with sensor-based conjugate adaptive optics using oblique back illumination,” J. Biomedical Optics, [21], 121504-121504, (2016). <link>

Imboden M, Chang J, Pollock C, Lowell E, Akbulut M, Morrison J, Stark T, Bifano TG, & Bishop DJ, “High-speed control of electromechanical transduction advanced drive techniques for optimized step-and-settle response of MEMS micromirrors,IEEE Control Systems, [36], 48-76, (2016). <link>

Sinefeld D, Paudel HP, Ouzounov DG, Bifano TG, & Xu C, “Adaptive optics in multiphoton microscopy: comparison of two, three and four photon fluorescence,Optics Express, [23], 31472-31483, (2015). <link>

Li J, Beaulieu DR, Paudel H, Barankov R, Bifano TG, & Mertz J, “Conjugate adaptive optics in widefield microscopy with an extended-source wavefront sensor,” Optica, [2], 682-688, (2015). <link>

Paudel HP, Taranto J, Mertz J, & Bifano TG, “Axial range of conjugate adaptive optics in two-photon microscopy,” Optics Express, [23], 20849-20857, 2015. <link>

Mertz J, Paudel H, & Bifano TG, “Field of view advantage of conjugate adaptive optics in microscopy applications,” Applied Optics, [54], 3498-3506, (2015). <link>

Vigil K, Lu Y, Yurt A, Cilingiroglu TB, Bifano TG, Ünlü MS, & Goldberg BB, “Integrated Circuit Super-Resolution Failure Analysis with Solid Immersion Lenses,” Electronic Device Failure Analysis, [16], 26-32, (2014). <link>

Lu Y, Bifano T, Ünlü MS, & Goldberg BB, “Aberration compensation in aplanatic solid immersion lens microscopy,” Optics Express, [21], 28189-28197, (2013). <link>

Paudel HP, Stockbridge C, Mertz J, & Bifano TG, “Focusing polychromatic light through strongly scattering media,” Optics Express, [21], 17299-17308, (2013). <link>

Stockbridge C, Lu Y, Moore J, Hoffman S, Paxman R, Toussaint K, & Bifano TG, Focusing through dynamic scattering media ,”   Optics Express, [20], 15086-15092, (2012). <link>

Tripathi S, Paxman R, Bifano TG, & Toussaint KC, “Vector transmission matrix for the polarization behavior of light propagation in highly scattering media,” Optics Express, [20], 16067-16076, (2012). <link>

Lu Y, Stockbridge CR, Hoffman SM, & Bifano TG, “Variable zoom system with aberration correction capability,” Journal of Modern Optics, [59] 1-7, (2012). <link>

Goldberg BB, Yurt A, Lu Y, Ramsay E, Koklu FH, Mertz J, Bifano TG, & Ünlü MS, “Chromatic and spherical aberration correction for silicon aplanatic solid immersion lens for fault isolation and photon emission microscopy of integrated circuits,” Microelectronic Reliability, [51], 1637-1639, (2011). <link>

Bifano TG, “Adaptive imaging: MEMS deformable mirrors,Nature Photonics, [5], 21-23, (2011). <link>

Diouf A, Stewart JB, Cornelissen SA, & Bifano TG, “Development of Through-Wafer Interconnects for MEMS Deformable Mirrors,” International Journal of Optomechatronics, [4], 237-245, (2010).   <link>

Vogel C, Tyler G, Lu Y, Bifano TG, Conan R, & Blain C, “Modeling and parameter estimation for point-actuated continuous-facesheet deformable mirrors,” J. Optical Society of America A, [27], A56-A63, (2010). <link>

Diouf A, Legendre AP, Stewart JB, Bifano TG, & Lu Y, “Open-loop shape control for continuous microelectromechanical system deformable mirror,” Applied Optics, [49], G148-G154, (2010). <link>

Cornelissen SA, Bierden PA, Bifano TG, & Lam CV, “4096-element continuous face-sheet MEMS deformable mirror for high-contrast imaging,” J. Micro/Nanolithorgraphy, MEMS, and MOEMS [8], 031308-031308, (2009). <link>

Diouf A, Reimann G, & Bifano, TG, ”Fabrication of implantable microshunt using a novel channel sealing technique,”  J. Micro/Nanolithorgraphy, MEMS, and MOEMS [7], 030501-1:3, (2008). <link>

Stewart JB, Diouf A, Zhou Y & Bifano TG, “Open-loop control of a MEMS deformable mirror for large-amplitude wavefront control,” J. Optical Society of America, A [24], 3827-3833, (2007). <link>

Stewart JB, Bifano TG, Cornelissen, SA, Bierden, PA, Levine, BM, & Cook, T, “Design and development of a 331-segment tip-tilt-piston mirror array for space-based adaptive optics,” Sensors and Actuators A- Physical [138] ,  230-238, (2007). <link>

Biss DP, Sumorok D, Burns SA, Webb RH, Zhou Y, Bifano TG, Côté D, Veilleux I, Zamiri P, & Lin CP, “In vivo fluorescent imaging of the mouse retina using adaptive optics,” Optics Letters [32], 659-661, (2007). <link>

Chen F, Cohen HI, Bifano TG, Castle J, Fortin J, Kapusta, C, Mountain DC, Zosuls A, & Hubbard AE, “A hydromechanical biomimetic cochlea: Experiments and models,” J. Acoustical Society of America [119], 394-405, (2006). <link>

Miller MH, Perrault JA, Parker GG, Bettig BP, & Bifano TG, “Simple models for piston-type micromirror behavior,” J. Micromechanics and Microengineering [16] , 303–313, (2006). <link>

Santiago LP & Bifano TG, “Management of R&D projects under uncertainty: multidimensional approach to managerial flexibility,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, [52](2):269-80, (2004). <link>

Collier J, Wroblewski D, & Bifano TG, “Development of a rapid-response flow-control system using MEMS microvalve arrays,” J. Microelectromechanical Systems, [13](6), 912-922, (2004). <link>

Webb R, Albanese M, Zhou Y, Bifano TG, & Burns S, “A stroke amplifier for deformable mirrors,” Applied Optics, [43]12, 5330-5333, (2004). <link>

Lee H, Miller MH, & Bifano TG, “CMOS chip planarization by chemical mechanical polishing for a vertically stacked metal MEMS integration,J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, [14] (1), 108-115, (2004). <link>

Bifano TG, Johnson HT, Bierden PA & Mali RK, “Elimination of Stress-Induced Curvature in Thin-Film Structures,” J. Microelectromechanical Systems, [11], 592-597, (2002). <link>

Perreault JA, Bifano TG, Levine BM, & Horentein M, “Adaptive optic correction using microelectromechanical deformable mirrors,” Optical Engineering [41](3), 561-566, (2002). <link>

Horenstein M, Pappas S, Fishov A, & Bifano TG, “Electrostatic Micromirrors for Subaperturing in an Adaptive Optics System,” Journal of Electrostatics, [54], 321-332, (2002). <link>

Weyrauch T, Vorontsov MA, Bifano TG, Hammer JA, Cohen M, & Cauwenberghs G, “Microscale adaptive optics: wavefront control with a µ-mirror array and a VLSI stochastic gradient descent controller,” Applied Optics, [40] (24), 4243-4253, (2001). <link>

Shanbhag PM, Feinberg MR, Sandri G, Horenstein MN, & Bifano, TG, “Ion-Beam Machining of Millimeter Scale Optics,” Applied Optics, [39] (4), 59 –611, (2000). <link>

Horenstein MN, Perreault J, & Bifano, TG, “Differential Capacitive Position Sensor for Planar MEMS Structures with Vertical Motion,” Sensors and Actuators [80], 53-61, (2000). <link>

Mali RK, Bifano TG, & Koester DA, “Design-based approach to planarization in multilayer surface micromachining,” J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, [9] , 294–299, (1999). <link>

Horenstein M, Bifano TG, Pappas S, Perreault J, & Krishnamoorthy-Mali R, “Real Time Optical Correction Using Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Devices,” J. Electrostatics , [46], 91-101, (1999). <link>

Bifano TG, Perreault J, Mali RK, & Horenstein MN, “Microelectromechanical Deformable Mirrors,” J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, [5], 83-90, (1999). <link>

Bifano TG., Krishnamoorthy R, Caggiano H, & Welch E, “Fixed-Load Electrolytic Dressing with Bronze-Bonded Grinding Wheels,” ASME J. Manufacturing, [121], 20-27, (1999). <link>

Vandelli N, Wroblewski DE, Velonis M, & Bifano TG, “Development of a MEMS Microvalve Array for Fluid Flow Control,J. Micrelectromechanical Systems, [7], 395-403, (1998). <link>

Bifano TG, Mali R, Perreault J, Dorton K, Vandelli N, Horentein M, & Castanon D, “Continuous membrane, surface micromachined silicon deformable mirror,” Optical Engineering [36](5), 1354-1360, (1997). <link>

Bifano TG, Caggiano H, & Bierden PA, “Precision Manufacture of Optical Disc Master Stampers,” J. Precision Engengineering, [20] 53-62, (1997). <link>

Bifano TG, & Bierden PA, “Fixed Abrasive Grinding of Brittle Hard Disk Substrates,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture [37](7), 935-946, (1997). <link>

Horenstein MN, Bifano TG, Mali RK, & Vandelli N, “Electrostatic Effects in Micromachined Actuators for Adaptive Optics,” Journal of Electrostatics [42], 69-82, (1997). <link>

Krishnamoorthy R, Bifano TG, Vandelli N, & Horenstein M, “Development of MEMS deformable mirrors for phase modulation of light,” Optical Engineering [36] (2), 542-548, (1997). <link>

Scagnetti PA, Bifano TG, Nagem RJ, & Sandri GvH, “Stress and Strain Analysis in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Solids,” ASME J. of Applied Mechanics, [63], 450-453, (1996). <link>

Bifano TG & Bierden PA, “Fixed-abrasive grinding of brittle hard-disk substrates,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, [37], 935-946, (1997). <link>

Drueding T, Bifano TG, & Fawcett SC, “Contouring Algorithm for Ion Figuring,” J. Precision Engineering [17] , 10-21, (1995). <link>

Drueding TW, Wilson S, Fawcett SC, & Bifano TG, “Ion beam figuring of small optical components,” Optical Engineering, [34] (12), 3565-3571, (1995). <link>

Bifano TG, Kahl WK, & Yi Y, “Fixed-Abrasive Grinding CVD Silicon Carbide Mirrors,” J. Precision Engineering, [16](2), 109-116, (1994). <link>

Fawcett SC, Bifano TG, & Drueding T, “Neutral Ion Figuring of Chemically vapor Deposited Silicon Carbide,” Optical Engineering, [33](3), 967-974, (1994). <link>

Bifano TG, Golini D, & DePiero D, “Chemomechanical Effects in Ductile-Regime Machining of Glass,” J. Precision Engineering, [15](4), 238-247, (1993). <link>

Bifano TG, & Hosler J, “Precision Grinding of Ultra-Thin Quartz Wafers,” ASME J. Engineering for Industry, [115](3), 258-262, (1993). <link>

Bifano TG, & Yi Y, “Acoustic Emission as an Indicator of Material-Removal Regime in Glass Microgrinding,” J. Precision Engineering,  [14] (4), 219-228, (1992). <link>

Scattergood RP, Srinivasan S, Bifano TG, & Dow TA, “R-Curve Effects for Machining and Wear of Ceramics,” Ceramica Acta [3](4-5), 53-64, (1991). <link>

Bifano TG, & Fawcett, SC, “Specific Grinding Energy as an In-Process Control Variable for Ductile-Regime Grinding,” J. Precision Engineering, [13](4), 256-262, (1991). <link>

Bifano TG, Dow TA, & Scattergood, RO, “Ductile-Regime Grinding: A New Technology for Machining Brittle Materials,ASME J. Engineering for Industry, [113](2), 184-189, (1991). <link>

Blake P, Bifano TG, Dow TA, & Scattergood RO, “Precision Machining of Ceramic Materials,American Ceramic Society Bulletin [67](6), 1038-1044, (1988). <link>

Bifano TG, & Dow TA, “Real Time Control of Spindle Runout,” Optical Engineering [24](5), 888-892, (1985). <link>

Patents and Awards

2022 U.S. Patent (#11,226,474) Reverberation microscopy systems and methods

2020 U.S. Patent (#10,678,037) Reverberation microscopy systems and methods

2019 U.S. Patent (#10,175,476) Solid immersion microscopy system with deformable mirror 

2018 U.S.Patent (#10,018,817) Adaptive optics for imaging through highly scattering media

2011 U.S. Patent (#7,929,195) MEMS Based Retroreflector

2010 R&D 100 Award: (MEMS)-based Adaptive-Optics Optical Coherence Tomography

2009 Bepi Colombo Prize, for achievements in research, innovation, and tech. transfer

2007 R&D 100 Award: Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (MAOSLO)

2005 U.S. Patent (#6,929,721) Ion beam modification of residual stress gradients in thin films

2004 U.S. Patent (#6,705,345) Micro valve arrays for fluid flow control

2003 R&D 100 Award: MEMS-based adaptive optics phoropter (MAOP)

2003 U.S. Patent (#6,529,311) MEMS-based spatial-light modulator

1998 U.S. Patent (#5,783,371) Process for manufacturing optical data storage disk

1997 U.S. Patent (#5,503,963) A new method for manufacturing optical disc stampers